"Approximate" Dimensions
- Large Block - Rear
- Length 1.00
- Width at top .615
- Width below bevels .250
- Height .460
- Depth of slot .250
- Hole Spacing .775
- Small Block - Front
- Length .800
- Width at top .610
- Depth of slot .250
- Width below bevels .250
- Height .530
- Hole Spacing .650

This is an attempt to show something about the bevels at the top of
the blocks where the rings clamp to the block. Somebody who
remembers more of his high school geometry class than I do can
probably come up with the approximage angle required.
The drawing on the right is of just the bevel itself.
The drawing on the left is my tracing of the top of the rear block.
And as I used to see on blueprints when I worked in aerospace:
Do not scale drawing. Work to dimensions given.