The Marshall Geneology Project

Here you will find as much as we have been able to gather regarding the history and geneology of the William and Mary Marshall family, originally from England, and who settled in and around Sycamore Illinois in the mid to late 19th century.

Gathered together here are the following:

A detailed geneology chart, (JPEG) prepared by someone from the William Marshall family.

This chart was in fairly bad shape from being in a folded up state for decades. But the chart was clean and contiguous enough that it was used to capture the descendant trees it showed, and make a set of web pages from them.

This page shows William and Mary and their children.

These pages are a reconstruction, on individual pages, of the detailed geneology chart linked above. They show the direct descendants of William and Mary, to the fourth generation.

A page showing John Marshall's descdendants, with a more full listing of the family of his son, Charles.

Much of this is informed by a 138 page, in depth geneology of the family of William and Mary Marshall, compiled by Bernice Kress Groenier in 1947. The file, "THE FAMILY OF WILLIAM MARSHALL - A GENEALOGY" (PDF) was scanned from a photocohy of a photocopy (and maybe older generations than that) of the original.

It makes for interest, if a bit tedious reading. I don't know who Ms. Kress Groenier was, but anyone interested in this family genology owes her a enormous debt of gratitude.

Much could be done with the materials we already have. The pages from the geneology chart JPEG could be expanded from the information in Ms. Groenier's geneology.

Anyone who is interested in pursuing that project is welcome to, and I will happily incorporate their additions into this site.

Bruce Jones