Rockford Pics

All images are links to larger images.

This is the house we lived in until I was 9. It was 2 blocks away from a park where we fished, had Girl Scout camp outs and in the winter went sledding and skating.
The neighborhood was filled with kids including 2 of my cousins, so (according to my cousin Dave) we went trick or treating as a pack of hobos.
The dress I wore for my first Christmas was a dark red taffeta made by Grandma Nevel. I still have the dress in the cedar chest.
The number of dolls I received for my first Christmas is an indication of how much Sue loved dolls. The rocking chair was where I sat with my Dad. It's in my diningroom these days and at Xmas the grandkids put the polar bear and moose in it.
This is another picture of my first Christmas. I was maybe a little spoiled?
Sue's Dad loved to have flocked Christmas trees.
The writing on the back of this one says "14 days"
I included this to make sure you knew I wasn't a perfect baby. But I always blame this on being on my Aunt Veda's couch. It was red fabric and scratchy.
These are cousins on my Dad's side. Bobbie was the nicest of my boy cousins. The girl holding me is Eldora (she was adopted too), then her brother holding our cousin Peggy who was born in February of 1955 and then Bobbie's sister Debbie
These are some of the cousins on Sue's side. Brad who is 4 months older than me and Dave his big brother. His name was Burton David and he used to tell people his name was Boot.
These are Sue's sister's kids. Pam, who is the family princess, and her brother Butch. Don't get me wrong aobut Pam - she is still beautiful today and is a wonderful person. I'm just jealous cause she's tall.
I think every child in Sue's entire family has a least one picture of them naked. Fortunately mine was taken when I was very young.
I am on the left and my second cousin Julie who was born 2 days after me is on the right. My Mom and Julie's grandma are hiding. Grandma Kuske was also fun.
This is my Dad Lyle.
This dress was made by my Grandma Way. Ashlynn wanted to use it for Sophia, but she grew too fast!
This is Sue and I on the front steps of the house on Genoa street. You can see her iris are popping up next to us.
I think this is an Easter picture when I was two. I have always been bad at having my picture taken.
This is another Grandma Nevel sewing project. The pinafore spells out Darling on the front in hand embroidered flowers.
This was my first birthday party. The ladies are my Dad's sister Gerry, Sue's sister-in-lae Joyce and Sue's sister Pat.
The child in the high chair is me. In the background are Sue's brother Bud, her Mother Vilot, Her Dad Burt and my Dad's brother-in-law Earl.
I didn't always have to wear a dress.
This was my first dog. His name was Zippy. He got too big for the yard and went to live on Dad's parents farm.
Merry Chritsmas 1956.
This is Sue's Dad Burt with his Mom Cora. She was married 2 times and the family story is that her first husband was murdered by the railroad because he found something wrong. The lady next to her is Burt's half sister Leafia.
Pam and Butch's birthdays were 2 days apart in October. I just got a present too! The young man in the back is Sue's youngest brother Tom.
If you ask my cousins Pam she will say I was always doing something goofy.
This is at the Nevel farm. You can see Zippy and his pal Teddy. The boy is Bobbie and My cousins Debbie, Peggy and I are sitting on Aunt Gerry's lap.
Grandpa Nevel had enough grandaughters that he could name all of his cows after us. I liked Eldora's the best.
Sue liked my bangs really short!
This was taken at Lyle's Aunt Lela's house. She was the only grownup I knew with stuffed animals.
We got extra mileage out of that cowgirl outfit.
A well-behaved picture on the front steps this time.
The front garden eventually became all flowers. I mostly remember tulips and moss rose.
2nd birthday - I don't know who ate all that cake. I didn't like cake till I was older.
I remember this dress. I think because it was stiff and heavy, but I liked the trees on it.
This is the year I figured out about Santa because I found the doll before it was wrapped. I did not tell Sue.
I got an umbrella and a record player for this birthday. Not sure why I had pajamas on.
Easter at 4 yrs old. I'm pretty sure the hat as really a headband. We really dressed up for church in those days.
This was not my bike. It was Brad's. He denies it - says he never needed training wheels.
This is at Brandy Lake in Minoqua. Aunt Pat and Uncle Bob live up there for many years.
Another Christmas. Elizabeth loves these curtains.
I know that my Dad had to lift me up on top of that pile.
The dance partner trying to strangle me is Brad. My real boyfriend was the one with the bow-tie.
Our neighborhood had sidewalks all the way around the block and lots of kids.
The second time Papa Burt retired they bought a house in Minoqua. He liked anything with engines.
Tied to the doc in Lake Minoqua. I think I was tired of having my picture taken.
My cousins had a collie and we played cowboy on Lassie's doghouse.
The piano had color-coded key and the notes were color-coded. This is how I learned how to read music.
This was my bdroom on Genoa street.
Sue liked to cook and let me help. But if she did then I had to help with the dishes too.
Close to Aunt Pat's house in Minoqua was a deer farm. We went very summer.
This is Papa Burt and Grandma Vilot with Uncle Tom and all the cousins.
I don't remember trick or treating as a princes too many times.
First Christmas with a brother at Grandma Way's house.
Pam and I ready for Easter at Grandma Vilot's house.
When Grandpa Nevel sold the farm he bought a house with a cement bear.
When my Uncle Toby came home from the airforce he let me fly with him from Minoqua to Janesville Wi.
Toby was Sue's second youngest brother.
This is my Great Aunt Opal with Jeff. She was Gandpa Burt's full sister and had MS. Jeff and I both had the mumps at the same time.
I had lots of charms and some freckles.
Thas was a surprise birthday party. Trouble was they told me I was going shopping with Aunt Veda and I cried when I found out I wasn't going.
Birthday #6.
Back when I liked my brother. He was and is funny and full of mischief.
A little older and back at the deer park.
Here I am in first grade with no front teeth.
Coming out of retirement (again) Papa Burt bought a house with a pool. I was this ony one who didn't have to wear a life jacket.
Chistmas with Jeff. He never got excited about reading.
This was one of the photos for the church directory 1963.
Birthday party in Papa Burt's basement. That's a pool table with plywood on it.
1964 - By now I have braces on so the smile's different.
This was the 1965 Christmas card photo.
Our neighbor was a very tiny woman and gave me her wedding dress for a Halloween costume. Best costume ever.
This was the family photo for the 1967 church directory.
I'm pretty sure from the dress this was 7th grade school picture.
These are all the Way grandchildren for our Grandparents 45th aniversary. I am first on right in second row.
This was the 1970 Christmas card with Pierre. Sue said "No dogs" so Papa Burt got us one.
This is the photo from the 1972 church directory.
This was our adopted (not very bright) poodle Rusty. I was one my way to a cousin's wedding. 1974
I had long hair the first time I went to college, but chopped it all off. I have no patience with hairdos.
This was a baby shower the ladies at work threw for me. We had it on the shipping dock. I think this was at 8 months.
This is Amanda playing pool in Gram Sue's living rooom.
This was my house when the girls were young. Charming house, not such a great neighborhood,
Amanda's second Christmas - she got a kitchen and I got socks.
Sue and Grandma Vilot's best friend Dorothy took Amanda to Disney World when she was 3.
Sue and Lyle liked to fish. Amanda liked to drive the boat in Papa's garage.
Aunt Pat and Amanda at Uncle Jeff's wedding. Amanda was the flower girl.
Aunt Pat's husband Uncle Bob. He would pick you up by your ears.
Amanda's 3rd birthday. Note all the pictures in pajamas - she never wanted to wait to open presents.
Amanda got a frog purse! That's her cousin Tommy who is not excited by the frog purse.
Sue loved to go to parades. Amanda got her own chair so she could go too.
Sue & Lyle camped in Wisconsin every weekend. The campers had cocktails and hors d'ouevres every Friday and Saturday night
Amanda and Grandma Sue would go down to the lagoon and have McDonalds and feed the ducks.
Amanda and Sue's neighbor Shirley swimming at Lake George.
1994 - the year of the Cabbage Patch.
Amanda trick or treating as Rainbow Brite
Elizabeth was born in a snowstorm the night before Easter. They sent her home in a bunny blanket
Amanda's first grade birthday dress. She and Sue loved Little House on the Prairie.
This is Liz checking out the sidewalk garden at our house.
Amanda, Liz and Ruffles the lab/malamute mix we had.
Not sure what I got for my 31st birthday - but we had a party.
Every other girl was a princess and Elizabeth decided she wanted a be a pig.
Riding the Hot Wheels at Gram Sue's house
Amanda did the guest book and elizabeths was the flower girl for Sue's best friend's daughter's wedding.
This was my Sunday School class Xmas program when Liz was 4. She is the one in purple with the lamb.
Liz -ironing - may have been the only time in her life she ironed.
Liz at 6 years in her first ballet recital.
Amanda and Liz at Dana and Becky's wedding.
Dana, Becky, Amanda and Liz at cousin Pam's wedding.
Dana and Becky's wedding invitation
Dana and Becky's new house
Dana's dad Ray inspecting the new house
Elizabeth being a magician's assistent at the Christmas party.
Shore expedition to Tulum in 1994.
Amanda at the turtle farm in Grand Caymen.
Liz at the turtle farm in Grand Caymen.
Becky and Dana dinner on the cruise
Lyle's memorial plaque from the factory employees
Amanda and Liz with Kirstin and Samantha American Girl dolls
Amanda graduates 1997
Amanda's senior picture
Ashlynn May in her busy chair
Amanda and Ash at Gram Sue's house
Liz pulling Ash up the sledding hill.
Ashlynn and cousin Cheyenne with the new doll table
Amanda and Elizabeth Christmas 2000
Papa and Ashlynn sword fighting
Amanda and Ashlynn Christmas 2002
Amanda and Ashlynn's birthday at Shogun 2002
Liz misbehaving on the girls' trip to DOOR County
Ashlynn's swingset
Elizabeth's senior picture
Elizabeth and Ash go with Gram Sue on Cancer Walk
Channeling our Scandinavian heritage in DOOR County
Ashlynn's messgage in the snow
Ashlynn and her Big Guy
In the Outer Banks watching Ashlynn's kite
Carter's first Halloween
Ashlynn and Carter swimming at No Egrets
Carter and Mom on the beach 2011
Carter and Papa voting on where to have dinner
Carter's 2nd Halloween with Gram Sue and her gnome
Carter's first Easter basket
Carter and Liz 2011
Liz and Leah in the NICU at Christ Advocate
Leah dressed up in the NICU
Ashlynn and BG at Niagra Falls
Segwaying with Ashlynn and Kenzie on the Outer Banks
Carter and his new sister
Ashlynn with Leah and no oxygen
Carter and Leah 2013
Amanda and Elizabeth at Carter's bug party
Amanda and Sophia 2015
Amanda, Ashlynn and Sophia 2015
Ashlynn and Sophia at No Egrets
Ashlynn High Schoool Grad 2015
Carter and Leah 2015
Dana and Beck at India Night
Elizabeth, Gram Sue and Amanda at Leah's cat birthday party
Elizabeth and Ashlynn still not old enough to sit with the grownups
Auntie and Leah at Ashlynn's graduation party
Ashlynn surfing the Outer Banks
Ashlynn graduation from tech school
Ashlynn the welder
Six generation photo 2016
Ashlynn at the Rennaisance Faire
Carter sharing worms with friends
Dana and Becky at India Night 2017
Sophia found a kitty rescue while shopping
Ashlynn and Sophia 2018
Ash and Sohpia at beach the year is rained everyday
Ashlynnn and Sophie at the aquarium
Carter and Leah's Halloween 2018
Leah likes to do her own hair
Ash and Sophis 2019 Christmas card
Sophia refusing to talk to Santa
Ash's graduation
Ash's College graduation
Amanda and Elizabeth practicing Gangster poses
Amanda's group Thanksgiving 2019
Ashlynn and the combine
Ashlynn at work at Johnson's
Bribing Sophia with bugles waiting for her Mom to graduate
Dana and the kids on the play yard 2019
Thanksgiving 2019
Leah with her Mommy and Ashlynn's Polly Pocket collection
Carter and Leah on Leah's first day of kindergarten
Leah's pre-school graduation - she want to grow up to be a butterfly.
Liz, Carter and Leah in their new house.
Liz, Carter and Leahon the Outer Banks.
Liz, Carter and Leah at the Rockton Halloween parade 2019.
Sophia has new boots!
Sophia's school picture for Thanksgiving
Sophia's school picture Fall 2019
Sophia's school picture Spring 2020
Sophia's school picture for Thanksgiving
Sophia's first day of pre-school
Sophia reading before bedtime
Sophie with Ashlynn's doll
Ashlynn, Sophie and Tim - Christmas card 2019
Ashlynn, Sophi,Tim and Chico - Christmas card 2019