Ann Westlake Marshall
- Birth 10 Apr 1859
- Mayfield, DeKalb County, Illinois, USA
- Death 15 Jan 1915 (aged 55)
- DeKalb County, Illinois, USA
- Burial
- Charter Grove Cemetery
- Charter Grove, DeKalb County, Illinois, USA
Sycamore True Republican, 16 January 1915
Her many relatives and friends were saddened by the death of Mrs. Charles E. Marshall, which occurred at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Marshall three miles northeast of Sycamore on Thursday evening. She had been in poor health for about ten years, and for the last few years had been very feeble. Her death was caused by consumption.
Mrs. Marshall was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David B. Westlake, and member of one of the well known early families of DeKalb county, and was born in Mayfield township, this county, 57 years ago. She had been a resident nearly her whole life of Sycamore township, where she attended the Sycamore schools, grew to womanhood and was united in marriage to Charles E. Marshall, son of John Marshall, also of a large and well known family of early residents of this county.
Mrs. Marshall leaves surviving her husband, three sons and one daughter: John is a resident of Richardson, east of Sycamore; Lester, Merrit and Jennie are at the parental home. Mrs. Marshall Also leaves surviving her aged mother, and three brothers: George, who is engaged in farming in Sycamore township; Benjamin, who is in business in DeKalb, and Joseph, who resides in New York state.
Mrs. Marshall was a good wife and mother and valued friend and neighbor, and many sympathize with the bereaved family over their loss. The funeral services will be held from the home at 1 o'clock and from the Charter Grove Methodist church at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, and the interment will be in the family lot in Charter Grove cemetery.