Photos from the years Margaret and I were married

Arranged, insofar as memory allows, in chronological order.
760 F St, Apt H-12, Chula Vista, 1969 - 1970

Margie, carrying Mike.

Xmas 1969, 760 F St, CV

Xmas 1969, 760 F St, CV

Mike, days old.

Don Langdon,
really early in Mike's life

Dad and his first grandson.

In the crib,
4 months old.

Mike's new car seat.

Mike, Spring 1970

Mike, Spring 1970

Ski beach along Hwy 75
Summer 1970

Living room 760 F St, CV

Moving Day, 1970

1013 12th St, Imperial Beach, 1970 - 1971

Xmas 1970

Mike's new tractor

Mike in the yard at 667

389 Calla Ave, Imperial Beach, 1971 -

Probably Xmas 1971

Chuck, me, Brian,
Mom, Mike, Don

Soon after we got Tiger

At Westview School, before
Mike was a student there

Xmas 1973? Mike's new coat.

Living room at 389

Family, post-1974

Mike, learning to skate

Mike & Dante

About 4 years old

Mike, Margaret, Travelall (1972/3?)

4 hrs 101

Eyeball to Eyeball, helmet optional.

Mike's first bicycle